Youth Sunday this Pentecost!

Join us on May 19th (Pentecost) as we celebrate the youth of Redeemer! We will also honor graduating senior, Joseph Ethan Hawkins (see below). Following the service join us for cake and coffee in the transept. If you have graduates in your family that you would like recognized in the bulletin on Youth Sunday, please send their names and school info to by May 13th.

Graduating senior- Joseph Ethan Hawkins

Congratulations on all your accomplishments as you graduate from high school in May! (It is a little weird as a staff member to write about your son, but I’m going to give it a go…) 

You have all watched Joseph Ethan grow up. He started out as a sweet little boy in the nursery. Now, he’s 6’2″ and getting taller by the minute! He is a huge reason that the 4 of us became members here. We were members of a wonderful large church but began to look for something smaller for our family. Joseph Ethan was 2 and Riley was 5 when we began to visit Redeemer. On one of our visits, our tired minivan, Old Blue, turned left onto the front entrance. As soon as we turned and began to go up the hill to park, Joseph Ethan, in his car seat, slapped his knee and said, “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” We have been here ever since…A few years later, I was going through the craft room getting things ready for Sunday. I came across a sticker that says the exact words that he said on that morning long ago. That sticker remains on the computer in my office. 

JE, you are a part of this wonderful church family, and have been a part of too many things to name. You’ve participated, served, and spent countless days here at church while I came to work. Words cannot express how proud dad and I are of you. It has been a privilege that I have been able to have a front row seat as your faith has grown. I am blessed and forever thankful that God has given me the honor of Mom, to you and Riley.       

I love you.     

  —Lori Hawkins, Director of Youth and Family Ministries