Annual Lake Party: To kick-off every new E.Y.C. (Episcopal Youth for Christ) year, this group gathers at the church and travel to the Woods’ lake house for a day of fellowship, games, water skiing and fabulous food, as well as taking time to plan activities for the upcoming year.
Jr. High Fall Retreat: An annual gathering of 6th-8th-graders at Camp Gravatt in Aiken, S.C., our Diocesan Convention Center.
Happening: A weekend event for youth in grades 10-12, focused on encountering Christ within community and learning how to strengthen our relationship with Christ and each other. The weekend is structured on a National program with local flavor and traditions.
Annual Ski Trip: Redeemer youth and their leaders spend a weekend in the mountains skiing and getting to know each other better. Time is spent studying scripture in the evenings.
Local Outreach: Supervised by the Youth Leaders, youth in grades 6-12 serve at the local Soup Kitchen twice a year and with Habitat for Humanity.