
Youth Christian Ed Update

It’s been a good year for Youth Christian Education!   Here are some things that have been happening: Nursery is always provided during the church service. The nursery is a cheerful and welcoming space for our youngest members and visitors. Leslie Entwistle is on our nursery staff and has been for several years. She does a wonderful job making sure the…

Strategic Planning Update  

The Strategic Planning Committee is meeting monthly to continue the work begun last fall when parishioners participated in focus groups and provided valuable insight and suggestions for continuing to support COR’s growth and mission. Committee members are teamed up to address the three major goals that came out of the focus group findings. Here’s an update on…

Job Opening

The Church of the Redeemer is hiring a part-time Parish Administrator. The hours are Monday – Thursday, 9am – 2pm. We are interviewing candidates now and still accepting applications. For more information, please contact Mother Catherine (864-350-4270). Thank you!

VBS: Camp Firelight

A Summer Adventure With God! Vacation Bible School at The Church of the Redeemer this summer: Who: Children ages K-5 – rising 5th  When: June 17-21 from 9:15am- 12:15pm Where: The Church of the Redeemer, 120 Mauldin Rd. Greenville, SC 29605 How: To register call the church at 864-277-4562 or email Lhredeemer@gmail.com

QR Code for Redeemer

We have a new QR code for our website! Thanks to Bennett Helm for creating this for us. Bennett is the Communications Chair for the Vestry and he and Jane Bouton, the Membership Chair, are actively helping us to coordinate our communcations and get the word out about Redeemer! Thanks also to Cynthia Eason, Margie…

Holy Week Services

The week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week, and it is a time of special devotion. Worship services recall the final days of Jesus’ earthly life. These services are active remembrances of Jesus’ days, trial, and crucifixion. Easter is a joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, as we proclaim Alleluia! Christ is risen! You…

Samaritan House Ministry

The Samaritan House of Greenville was established almost 20 years ago by five Augusta Road churches. The goal of feeding those in need in our area remains today. Redeemer provides not only weekly volunteers, but a monthly stipend and “the food of the month,” collected from parishioners each week.  What was once a small bag of groceries for each…