Triduum: Three Holy Days

Triduum definition from the Episcopal Church glossary:

A period of three days of preparation for a feast day. The term is most frequently used for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, the three days prior to Easter Sunday that are the concluding days of Holy Week, also known as the Easter Triduum. Other usage for the Easter Triduum reckons the days from the evening of Maundy Thursday through the evening of Easter Day. The term may indicate any three-day period of preparation for a feast.

Triduum at Redeemer this year:

Holy Thursday 3/28 at 6:00pm: Maundy Thursday Service

Good Friday 3/29 at 12:00pm and 6:00pm: Good Friday Services

Holy Saturday is an empty day, the day when Christ lies in the tomb and we await his resurrection. (No service at Redeemer on Holy Saturday.)

The Great Vigil of Easter is the traditional first celebration of Easter, held after sundown on Holy Saturday. This ancient service leads us from death to life with Christ with fire, light, word, water, bread and wine. We light a new fire – the new light of Christ in the world.

Easter Sunday 3/31 at 9:30am and 11:30am: Holy Eucharist

On Easter Day we continue the Easter Vigil’s celebration of Christ’s glorious resurrection. We proclaim: Christ is risen! Alleluia!

For more reflections from Mother Catherine on Holy Week, see Rector’s Corner.