Rev. Catherine L. Tatem
Welcome to Redeemer! We are a congregation that loves to gather, and we’d love to meet you. We gather for worship, coffee, study, prayer, gardening, and even washing clothes! Yes, see “laundry love” on the “Serve” tab. We understand ourselves as a Christian congregation that serves others. See our monthly newsletter for more of our ministries and joyful activities.
Please join us, and feel free to contact me.
Please note: I will be on sabbatical from June 1st – September 1st. In my absence, please contact our Senior Warden, Rick Hankinson.
In Christ, Catherine+
Pentecost information and suggestions from
May 2024 ECHOES article: “Measure twice, cut once.”
Crafts people of all kinds know this adage, and it’s good advice! Who hasn’t cut a piece of fabric, wood, or pipe and found it to be j-u-s-t a little off? Short, crooked – measure twice, cut once. As our sabbatical approaches, May feels a little like measuring twice. At home, I am working on filling in my plans so that they include joyful rest, times for personal reflection and growth, attention to mind, body and spirit, and time with family. As you know, my family is not close by; holidays are squeezed into and around work schedules – particularly mine, since holidays are usually work days. Not a complaint, just another way to “measure twice” our schedules and gathering times. To travel with greater flexibility is a gift.
Our sabbatical time; that wording is intentional, for we are all on a journey this summer. Remember when you were in the time between priests; many people came forward to help in new ways. That’s what measuring twice in parish life might look like in the coming months. Putting the transept back together after Sunday prepares the space for all who come to Redeemer during the week. Perhaps you will come in to wash and put away coffee cups, coffee pots, and utensils. You could stop by and pick up trash on the property. Send in some of your family news to share in the summer newsletter. Take Fr. Upton, our supply priest, to lunch on Sunday, or bring lunch to the office one day. The wardens will be paying greater attention to liturgy and office matters. Keep them in your prayers – and they might appreciate a cup of coffee along the way. In all these ways, measuring twice is about preparation and care of our community.
Be assured that a lot of measuring twice is happening “behind the scenes.” I am actively interviewing for a new Parish Administrator – what a gift it is to have applicants. Eliza has graciously agreed to stay to provide some training and to work on office projects such as tackling a major update to our membership and accounting information. She and I are making lists (checking them more than twice!) to provide notes, procedures, and tips for making sure the rhythms of office and worship are as ready as they can be for each week.
As we measure twice for the summer and all of our days ahead, do not forget to plan and attend to play. Yes, play. God created us for God’s pleasure, and we are meant to know the joy of life with God. God did not rest after creating because God was tired, but to take joy in knowing that it was all very good. Take joy in all of creation this summer and again this fall and always. To help us become a Sabbath community, the vestry and I will encourage all of us, our whole parish community, to read a book on Sabbath – the same book – over the summer. I am choosing that book now, and am narrowing down our many choices. I invite you to read with us about Sabbath. Finally, that part about play: I invite you to engage in some joyful connection this summer, in a creative plan that is still being formed. There will be news in the coming weeks of how we might connect and share our summertime in a playful way. Think: photos, smiles, and adventures with Jesus and his sheep….
In Christ, Catherine+