Youth Christian Ed Update

It’s been a good year for Youth Christian Education!  

Here are some things that have been happening:

Nursery is always provided during the church service. The nursery is a cheerful and welcoming space for our youngest members and visitors. Leslie Entwistle is on our nursery staff and has been for several years. She does a wonderful job making sure the children always feel welcome and loved. Thank you so much Leslie!

Godly Play resumed last fall for ages 4 through 2nd grade. Godly Play is an incredible program that meets children where they are as they grow in their faith. Jesus, the Bible, and worship are presented in an approachable way that invites imagination and wonder. It has been so rewarding to see the process unfold and the progression of the class.  William Meade is a regular volunteer in Godly Play. The children look up to him and love when they see him in the classroom. Thank you for all of your help William!  

Great news, Godly Play will continue this summer. The classes will have more of a church summer camp vibe. Change is good and summer is a great time to try something new. Thank you to Meg Coffey and Ann Meade for your ministry to the youth.

Several weeks ago Mother Catherine, Kathryn Swilley, and myself had a wonderful evening out with the youth of EYC. We shared a great meal together and it was a special time to catch up and connect. We are looking forward to more gatherings and fellowship together. We had another great Shrove Tuesday event. Thank you Joseph Ethan and William for all your hard work. 

The youth of EYC are always ready to give back to their church family and community. They all have busy schedules with school, sports, and work commitments. We are thankful for your dedication and willingness to help when and however you can. We look forward to VBS in June where we will again host Pleasant Valley Connection. EYC is always excited to help and look forward to this special week.  

Another thank you to Sarah and William Meade for serving as crucifer throughout the year. Sarah is also in the altar guild. She and her mom work side by side regularly ensuring the altar is set up and ready for worship. 

Sarah and her cousin Cooper were confirmed in February. It was a special day that we were all privileged to take part of; thank you for sharing it with us.    

  —Lori Hawkins, Director of Youth and Family Ministries