Posts from March 2024


March 31, 2024 The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Sunday On Easter Day we continue the Easter Vigil’s celebration of Christ’s glorious resurrection. We proclaim: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Holy Eucharist at 9:30am (brass ensemble and live-streamed) Easter Egg Hunt at 10:45 am (meet in the transept) Holy Eucharist at 11:30am Join us!

Triduum: Three Holy Days

Triduum definition from the Episcopal Church glossary: A period of three days of preparation for a feast day. The term is most frequently used for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, the three days prior to Easter Sunday that are the concluding days of Holy Week, also known as the Easter Triduum. Other usage…

Garth Clean up

Early signs of Spring are already showing and a glorious Easter week will be here before we know it. Like the awakening of Punxsutawney Phil, the Garth Committee (Rev. Catherine, Rick Hankinson, Celia Jernigan, Jack Blackburn and Bill Heizer) has not only awakened to shake off the winter doldrums, but has jumped into action. Phil…

QR Code for Redeemer

We have a new QR code for our website! Thanks to Bennett Helm for creating this for us. Bennett is the Communications Chair for the Vestry and he and Jane Bouton, the Membership Chair, are actively helping us to coordinate our communcations and get the word out about Redeemer! Thanks also to Cynthia Eason, Margie…