
The entire congregation participates in worship services through music, prayer, and presence. There are also special ministries in which volunteers participate.

Acolytes may carry the processional cross or gospel book, light and extinguish candles, and help at the altar.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for weekly and special worship services with special banners, linens, altar settings, and candles.

Lectors and Chalice Bearers
Lectors read the bible lessons of the day and lead in reading the psalm. In addition to reading, chalice bearers serve the blessed wine during services of Holy Communion.

Flower Guild
The Flower Guild coordinates and prepares flowers for Sunday worship and other church services and events.

Music The choir leads us in singing hymns and offers special anthems. Music is an integral part of worship.

Ushers and Greeters Ushers and greeters welcome us to worship, provide us with bulletins, encourage us to come forward for Holy Communion, and help visitors feel at home.