What To Expect

Our Sunday service begins at 9:30 am and combines scripture-based preaching with Episcopal liturgy and music.  Our Wednesday service, without music, begins at 9:30 as well.  Our services include prayers, readings from the Old and New Testaments, a sermon and the Lord’s Supper.  All baptized Christians of all church backgrounds and ages are welcome to receive communion.

We embrace children at all of our services.  Even when they can’t sit still or talk out loud, they bring life and a sense of the future to our congregation!  Pick up a children’s bag of activities in the vestibule (narthex) to enjoy during the service.  Feel free to bring your baby or toddler to service, or our nursery is available for children 2 years old and under during the service.

There is no dress code! On any given Sunday, you will see everything from jeans to suits and dresses.

A coffee break follows the 9:30 Sunday service in the transept (immediately adjacent to the sanctuary).  This is an easy way to meet the Church of the Redeemer family, to enjoy the hospitality of parishioners, and to get answers to any questions you may have.

Before you leave, please take a moment to stop by the visitor’s table —say hello, sign the guest book, and take home a visitor’s bag. Let us know how we might help in your faith journey.

Explore our website to discover more about us – our mission, beliefs and history.  See also our many opportunities to support Christian growth for you and your family and for engaging in community and church missions.

You can learn more about Episcopal worship here (https://www.episcopalchurch.org/way-of-love/worship/) and see this exploration of the Eucharist here (https://how2charist.com/)