Thank you for visiting us online. We would also like to meet you in person.
You are invited and welcome to join us on Sundays and Wednesdays for worship and fellowship, and at the many times we gather. When you come, you will find a strong faith community that offers:
- A traditional Episcopal worship service
- Preaching and teaching centered on the Word of God. We like to know how bible stories are relevant to our lives and faith today.
- Christian education and formation options for all ages
- Hospitality! We love to get together to share a meal and fellowship
- Music – we have an excellent choir that leads us in singing during worship
- Opportunities to serve Christ in one another and in the world
- Faith in Jesus Christ is our cornerstone. Our faith includes worship, study, prayer, joy, laughter, and walking with one another in all of life.
- Mission work throughout the world
We welcome children at all of our services. Even when they can’t sit still or talk out loud, they bring life and a sense of the future to a congregation! (We have nursery care available during Sunday services if that option is more comfortable for you.) We have activity bags available for young children. Feel free to pick one up in the entryway.
We do not have a formal dress code. You will see a wide range of clothing, from casual wear and jeans to suits and dresses.
We would love to know that you visited us online. Please fill out our online visitor card so we can get to know you better and connect you with our parish family.