Flower Guild

The Flower Guild at the Church of the Redeemer works to serve the Church by adorning the Lord’s house for worship services and celebrations. Altar decorations are created in accordance with the Church calendar, and weddings and funerals are coordinated with the family participants’ requests.

As we work to serve the church, we also look for opportunities where our talents may benefit others.

Flowers for the infirmed – The floral decorations are used after each Sunday service to accompany those who visit the sick or homebound. We hope this may bring a feeling of warmth and connection with their church home to those who receive these flowers, and the knowledge that we keep them in our prayers.

Helping the community – Each Thanksgiving, the altar is decorated with fruits, vegetables, and even canned goods and pasta to celebrate our thanks to God. After the service all edible items are brought to The Samaritan House food bank to distribute to needy families.

Classes – On occasion, the Flower Guild will hold classes for anyone interested on flower arranging, wreath making, seasonal baskets, etc. This is to provide a fun social evening event as we share our talent.