Strategic Planning Update  

The Strategic Planning Committee is meeting monthly to continue the work begun last fall when parishioners participated in focus groups and provided valuable insight and suggestions for continuing to support COR’s growth and mission.
Committee members are teamed up to address the three major goals that came out of the focus group findings. Here’s an update on work to date by goal:

Attract and retain younger people / families

Rick Hankinson and Wallace Lightsey are focusing on this goal, developing a concept of organizing service-related projects to attract young people and the unchurched, who may look for opportunities to serve their community.  Additionally, a postcard highlighting Holy Week services at COR was mailed to approximately 800 addresses in our neighboring Augusta Road area in an effort to attract them to our church.

Amplify and improve use of our website, social media and other marketing tools

Cynthia Eason and Jack Blackburn are working in this area with the aid of Parish Administrator Eliza Alexander. Plans include placing a large and easy-to-see link on the Home Page that will take users directly to the Worship Online page, adding a link to Instagram, and fine-tuning some graphics to improve readability. The Grow section is being reworked (and perhaps renamed). Godly Play and Adult Christian Formation will be part of this area. Two new posts are added to the website most weeks to keep content current.  Banners, including our new QR code, are being used to draw attention to drivers along Mauldin Rd. Additionally, postcards are mailed every month highlighting upcoming events.

Expand parish internal activities, including opportunities for fellowship

Bill Heizer and Jack Blackburn head up this initiative, where many ideas for increasing engagement and fellowship among parishioners have been generated. Meg Coffey has led the recent reorganization of FEAST groups, offering various options for participants.  Bill and Jack are putting together a calendar of activities for the year, including activities already scheduled and suggestions for new ones. 
Please contact any of the Strategic Planning Committee members with your ideas, suggestions and thoughts. 

We welcome everyone’s help in this effort!

—Cynthia Eason, Strategic Planning